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  • Appraiser Rachel (Lindsey Shaw) receives the news that her top-notched client wants to buyout a small town's beloved library to build a resort and spa on the land. Rachel is completely against the idea of leaving NYC but loses the argument to her boss. So Rachel packs her bags and flies out to California. During her first visit to the library she runs into writer, Jake (Derek Theler), who is researching the tale of Captain Black Bart's hidden treasures for his next novel. With hopes of saving the library, Mrs. Archer (Rachel Ticotin), the librarian, pushes Jake to show Rachel what the library means to the town. Jake's already got a lot on his plate with his research and taking care of his niece, Hailey (Chiara Aurelia), and nephew, Noah (Max Page), for the summer but he agrees to help out. As Rachel learns what the library means to the community she must find away to save it before it's too late.
  • 一次大地震令洛杉矶地底深处的火山喷发,向着住宅区流去,维修地下管道的工人被烧死。地质学家艾美和朋友下去隧道勘测时亲身经历了朋友被岩浆喷发带走了生命。一时之间,城市一隅充满了地底爆发的岩浆。危机处理中心总指挥麦克(Tommy Lee Jones 饰)采取了艾美博士的建议开始疏散人群,他们先利用数百万吨空中降水来使来势汹汹的岩浆变成障碍物,阻挡了岩浆的流动。正当大家以为松一口气时,艾美博士认为岩浆并没有真正被阻挡,只是改变了流向,而且正在往充满伤员的医院奔涌。他们只剩下30分钟的时间去处理这个问题,他们能成功吗?
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