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  • Zoey, a cyber crime cop, and Barry, a detective, raise their son, Timmy, in a quiet suburban neighborhood. When Zoey confides in her best friend about shift work and the lack of spark in her marriage. Zoey's mind is set in motion and when she discovers Barry is screwing around, she calls him out. Willing to give him a second chance, Zoey tries to mend her marriage. When Barry is seen again with "that" woman, Zoey gets a restraining order and sole custody of Timmy. Late one night a fire in her home tragically takes the life of her son. The evidence points to Zoey taking sleeping pills and smoking - she's charged with Timmy's murder. Zoey goes to Barry for help but he's distant and blames her. Zoey fights back, convinced she was set up to take the blame for Timmy's death. As she fights to prove her own innocence she gets the biggest shock of all! Written by Anonymous.
  • 美国与俄罗斯签署贸易协定的当晚,一位重要人物被刺杀,而特种部队狙击手布兰登•贝克特(查德•科林斯 饰)则被当成了头号嫌疑人。死里逃生后,布兰登意识到此事可能牵扯到了政府内部的黑暗阴谋,于是便找到了他唯一能信任的伙伴—他的父亲,“ 双狙人”托马斯•贝克特(汤姆•贝伦杰 饰)。父子二人再度联手,而这一次,他们不仅要面对中情局、俄罗斯雇佣兵的追捕,更要面对一位人称“死亡小姐”的日本极道杀手(秋元才加 饰),而她拥有着足以与二位传奇狙击手相匹敌的狙击技能。
  • 影片讲述了在一次飞机失事后,两位素不相识的男女必须携手,在冰雪覆盖的无人之地死亡斗争、互相扶持并相恋。男主角本是一名外科医生,也是名登山好手。女主角艾什丽是一名记者。他们都急着搭乘航班,一个回去准备明天的手术,另一个回去准备自己第二天的婚礼。然而由于暴风雪天气,航班被取消,两人只能想办法搭乘一架小型私人飞机。不料飞行员在飞行途中突然中风,飞机坠毁在科罗拉多州渺无人烟的雪山荒岭。两人幸存下来,但折断肋骨的本必须与大腿严重骨折的艾什丽相互帮助,并面对各种困难和考验。在自救和等待救援的日日夜夜中,他们相爱了。
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