搜索 父亲

  • 1941年秋,日军为报复百团大战,在华北展开治安强化运动,对非治安区进行大扫荡。八路军连长付子龙临危受命,和日本部队展开激战,旨在不惜一切代价破坏日军在晋察冀地区的军事物资站,为抗日主战场铲除敌人的后援。田守义是实战经验丰富的国民党逃兵,付子龙惜才将他招募到八路军,他却另有私心只想尽早成家立业传宗接代。付子龙既要改造又要巧用田守义,与之斗智斗勇,此时谁都没想到两人竟然是失散多年的父子。战事中身世之谜终于揭开,田守义在战斗中彻底坚定了革命的信念,父子联手对敌、智勇除奸、刺杀日军头目、彻查血案、策反伪军、巧夺军事物资、识破连环间谍案,战绩令日军闻风丧胆。最终他们以正义战胜邪恶,为抗战胜利作出了贡献。
  • 农村单亲家庭的春妮虽然考取了中学但是因为没钱上学面临辍学,父亲老周经过一番痛苦挣扎后,在村干部的帮助下,终于帮女儿实现了上学的愿望……
  • 卡萨公爵为帝国的崛起奉献许多,被赋予终生荣耀的勋章。卡萨夫人,生下一对双生子后难产而死,恰逢卡萨大胜归来,为了安抚他,加纳四代在皇后的建议下邀请大巫师为两位女婴占卜赐福。大巫师通过占卜,预言这对双胞胎,一正一邪,一个会为帝国带来无尽繁华,而另外一个却会带来无尽的厄运。
  • A failed, recluse director, Max, moves from New York City to a small seaside town after his wife's death. He struggles with his parental role over his son. Eddie, meanwhile, is becoming increasingly involved in the not-so-underground culture of drugs, promiscuous sex, and gang violence that lies there.The chasm between them seems to be growing despite Max's best efforts. Max jogs in the mornings and routinely passes a psychic. She spontaenously predicts that one night a serial killer will attack Eddie on the beach.Eddie is sampling various drugs with his friend, Smiley, and having unprotected sex. He ignores the advice of his father as a rule and seems beyond hope of redemption in the eyes of mainstream society. He shows potential for betterment when he prevents the murder of a rival gang member. Max saves Eddie from the serial killer.
  • 该剧讲述了在民国时期,主人公宁五原(罗晋饰)为解开身世之谜与自己非亲的三个爸爸、父亲、爹共同卷入毒品奇案,展开生死较量的故事。爸爸宁宝林(罗嘉良饰)是在社会上响当当的成功商人,父亲苏明远(赵立新饰)是原任职于报社后加入国民党,而爹李八一(黄俊鹏饰)则是一名共产党员为人耿直。三个人谁是敌人,谁是盟友,一时间扑朔迷离。为了任务,宁五原在三个养父之间周旋并寻找真相。在这个过程中,他还发现了自己身世...