搜索 Cheka

  • 福兰克林的阿姨-露西在这个夏天突然回到家乡,露西阿姨是个探险家,最擅长寻找消失已久的宝物。某天,到露西阿姨家玩的福兰克林得到一张奶奶小时候画的藏宝图,但露西阿姨却说她怎麽找都找不到奶奶埋的宝藏,这让福兰克林产生很大的兴趣。好奇的他将藏宝图带回家给奶奶看,也因此唤起了奶奶的记忆,想起小时 候曾经在乌龟湖畔埋下的神秘盒子,却也因此生了一场大病。为了让生病的老奶奶能够快点好起来,福兰克林和他的朋友们在露西阿姨的陪伴下,踏上一场寻宝之旅,前往乌龟湖寻找记忆中的神秘宝盒.....
  • Semyon Gorbunkov goes on a cruise. In Istanbul, he slips and breaks his arm. What he didn't know is that this was a signal for a gang of smugglers (a real smuggler - Gena - was also on board the same ship). So his arm gets bandaged with gold and diamonds. After he returns home, the gangsters are trying to get their stuff back, while the police try to catch them using Gorbunkov and his arm.
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