- 飞往柏林的国际航班上,血流成河,尸横遍野。在这残酷的地狱间却伫立着三个与众不同的女人,沉稳神秘的露易丝(Nina Hoss 饰)、雍容典雅的夏洛特(Jennifer Ulrich 饰)以及天真率直的诺拉(Anna Fischer 饰)。她们的真实身份是吸血鬼,终日游走世界各地,享受可口的鲜血和永无止境的奢华生命。在某个狂乱的夜总会里,对美丽眼睛分外痴迷的露易丝相中了18岁的问题少女丽娜(Karoline Herfurth 饰),于是不用分说吸食了对方的鲜血。不久后,身体发生巨大变化的丽娜成为了露易丝她们中的一员,从此一步登天,有着享不尽的名车、美食与奢侈品。她们有着世人渴望的一切,却也有着远远大于人类的孤独感……
- 根据传说,白狮是神的使者。当白狮子进入该山谷,一个年轻的人发现自己要不惜一切代价来保护白狮子。(文/moviereleased) According to the legend of the Shangaan, white lions are the messengers of the gods, but it has been years since one has been seen in their remote African valley. When a white lion is miraculously born into that valley, a young Shangaan named Gisani, finds himself destined to protect this rare and magnificent creature at all costs...
- In the distant future, a large portion of humanity lives on Mars, in cities that resemble those once found on Earth. The cities are protected from the inhospitable Martian atmosphere by dome-like force-fields. When a massive sandstorm breaks through the dome and destroys Mars New York, those in Mars Los Angeles must figure out how to stop the storm before it wipes them out next.
- "Made In Romania" is the story of a producer who is given the chance to realize his dream project; to film an adaptation of an obscure, beautifully written Victorian novel, "The Tides of Reason". Disillusioned after years of making low budget genre films, the producer readily accepts the demands of his less than legitimate financiers. Namely, the production be filmed entirely in Romania to take advantage of a complicated and slightly suspicious tax deal. Shot in documentary style, this behind-the-scenes comedy deftly and inexorably exposes the painful reality of runaway film production. Way off the radar in deepest, darkest, rural Romania the hopelessly disconnected production veers swiftly off the tracks as bizarre personalities, cultural, economic and language issues quickly combine to send the production spiraling into hysteria.