搜索 Ken Howard

  • Katelyn 'Kate' Weston, a country girl who became a lawyer and joined an L.A. law firm years ago, specializes in defending minors having committed violent crimes who nobody else takes on. She gradually got estranged from her family, but then her older brother Ryan asks her to return to the farm he runs with their dad Thane who has become impossibly absentminded. By the time he is formally diagnosed with serious Alzheimer, she realizes how badly she really knew her family, having ran from her past after the trauma of witnessing her mother's suicide at age seven, and tries to talk it trough with Ryan and dad while he still has lucid moments.
  • 1990年的9月24日,两位驾着F16战机的美国空军在伊拉克上空禁区做着例行飞行检查。出乎意料的,在北大西洋公约空域中出现了一架伊拉克喷射客机,李班宁机长(罗伯派屈克饰演)察觉这件意外后,准备赶这架偏离航道的飞机回正轨。约翰达克机长(鲁格豪尔饰演)则飞近这架客机想一探究竟,并向客机发出请求离去讯号。突然间三架伊拉克MIG战机冲出来,对这两保F16开火并发动飞
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