搜索 Leung

  • 从小被喇嘛收养的刘曦(吴京饰),跟随养父吉祥(洪金宝饰)护送“贡佛天珠”,怎料途中被一群神秘人偷去。吉祥怀疑事件与多年前销声匿迹的“双子门”有关,于是找到了当年的校长常忠(元华饰)。 为了尽快找到丢失的天珠,吉祥以及常忠决定重组“双子门”,从马戏团找回双胞胎姐妹珍珠(蔡卓妍饰)、宝珠(钟欣桐饰)以及其余学生。 苦苦追寻终于发现天珠下落,与一班似乎同是“双子门”的人大打出手。刘曦最后抢到了“天珠”,却误交给常忠弟弟,常勇。 同时也发现了更多的秘密。
  • “Arcane: League of Legends,” the first animated series of the League of Legends from Riot Games, has won nine Annie Awards and four Emmys including "Best Animated Series" for its first season.The story of “Arcane” will reach its final chapter in the second season. Witness the final chapter on November 9, 2024!Jinx’s attack on the council sets the stage for the escalating conflict between Piltover and Zaun.
  • 电影《深宫怨灵》根据民间广为流传的清朝珍妃含恨跳井、冤魂复仇的后宫传说改编。故事讲述美国纪录片摄制组来到中国探寻传说真相,遭遇凶煞鬼后连环索命,更牵扯出跨越300年时空交织的神秘灵异惊天奇案。
  • 年过半百的小提琴大师瑞安·哈里森以他独特的演奏方法倾倒了音乐大厅里所有的观众。美丽妖艳的劳伦情不自禁地在包厢里与台上的瑞安调情,她的妹妹凯丝也被瑞安的演奏迷得神魂颠倒。演出结束后,劳伦的丈夫希宾举办了冷餐会,祝贺大师的演出成功,而劳伦则借机想以美貌勾引瑞安,吓得瑞安借故逃离了。 劳伦的丈夫希宾与现任联合国秘书长罗伯特·麦金泰尔是中学时的同学,此次麦金泰尔来哥伦比亚高地是为了做一次令恐怖分子...
  • “Arcane: League of Legends,” the first animated series of the League of Legends from Riot Games, has won nine Annie Awards and four Emmys including "Best Animated Series" for its first season.The story of “Arcane” will reach its final chapter in the second season. Witness the final chapter on November 9, 2024!Jinx’s attack on the council sets the stage for the escalating conflict between Piltover and Zaun.