搜索 Matt Devere

  • 根据诺曼·莱布得勒支创作的同名小说改编,讲述二战时的伦敦,两个少年马丁和道维多尔成为生死之交。道维多尔是个从华沙流亡过来的小提琴手,寄居在马丁家。然而,就在道维多尔的小提琴独奏会的首演当晚,他却神秘地失踪了,这件事成了马丁几十年的心结。时过境迁,马丁发现道维多尔可能还活着,却收到请求“不要来找我”,马丁固执地想搞清楚好友消失的秘密。
  • Twin babies are separated at birth. The girl grows up in a middle class environment, her brother in a street gang. Twelve years later, their paths cross again and they discover their common destiny, imposed upon them by the adults. It is the beginning of an exciting journey to the discovery of their roots and their independence, but neither of them is able to escape the past...
  • 故事发生在上世纪五十年代的巴黎,四名女性在蒙马特的街道上被人谋杀,案情看似毫无关联,但探长梅格雷却怀疑这四起案件为同一名连环杀手所为。梅格雷面临破案的巨大压力,于是他利用罪犯的虚荣心精心设计了一个抓捕计划。随着调查的深入,梅格雷将嫌疑人名单缩小到三人范围,最终的结果令人震惊。
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