搜索 Wesley Ruggles

  • 查理刚刚从监狱里被释放出来,紧接着就被一个冒充牧师的骗子骗去了身上所有的钱。正当他万分无助,走投无路的时候,碰到了一个在监狱里认识的朋友,他怂恿查理去继续偷东西,正当查理犹豫不决的时候,警察就站在了他们的身边……
  • Clark Gable plays a card cheat who has to go on the lam to avoid a pesky cop. He meets a lonely, but slightly wild, librarian, Carole Lombard, while he is hiding out. The two get married after Lombard wins a coin flip and they move back to the city. Gable continues his gambling/cheating scheme unbeknownst to Lombard. When she discovers his "other life", she presures him to quit. Gable feels crowded and tells her that he is leaving for South America. In fact, Gable has decided he wants to go straight and turns himself in to the cop...
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