搜索 Zach Grenier

  • Alain Moreau (Jean-Claude Van Damme) is a cop in Nice, France. Alain is at a funeral that is being held for a fellow cop, when Alain’s partner Sebastien (Jean-Hugues Anglade) shows up. They discover that his name was Mikhail Suverov, and Mikhail was born on exactly the same day Alain was. As it turns out, Mikhail is the twin brother Alain never knew he had. Tracing his brother's steps back to New York City, Alain discovers that Mikhail was a member of the Russian Mafia, who was chased down and killed when he attempted to get out. Of course, now Alain is mistaken for Mikhail, who was also mixed up in a war between Mafia organizations. With his only real ally being Mikhail's fiancé Alex Bartlett (Natasha Henstridge), Alain sets out to avenge his brother's death, which is complicated not only by the Mafia, but by two corrupt FBI agents.
  • 出生在德国的迪特•丹格勒(克里斯蒂安•贝尔饰)自幼就梦想着驾驶飞机翱翔天际。长大后,他随家人移民至美国,加入军队成为了一名真正的飞行员。随后迪特便随海军投身越南战场。赶往执行任务的途中,迪特飞机不幸被越南军队的地面炮火击落。侥幸逃脱一死的他,却最终被敌人俘获,饱受严刑折磨。迪特被押至设在老挝的战俘集中营,那里还有几个美国军队的同伴。看守敌人给予他们非人待遇,迪特还未坐定就暗下决心要逃跑,但周围的同伴吉恩(杰瑞米•戴维斯饰)、杜恩(史蒂夫•茨恩)等并不那么认为,他们没多少信心。在一番劝说下,迪特精心策划,要在雨季来临时越狱。他们要面对是无边丛林、饥饿、野兽,还有不知道在何处的越南人……
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