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  • 陆军上校吴家丽带领一群防暴女战士在金三角要抓捕一个叫叶枫的牛比大姐大(贩毒持枪杀人控制无所不为的反派女英雄,这时候真在和SOMI带领的一群人做生意遭到出卖)的劲爆故事。 李赛凤开始莫名其妙跟一个鬼老打架,后来又跑出来BULLET大岛有佳丽和她会合去对付叶枫他们去。 看看RUDEBOY的IMDB评论 'Mission of Justice' is an offering from the girls-with-guns genre that probably isn't as memorable as 'Yes, Madam', the 'In The Line Of Duty' saga, or the 'Angel' films(which were made prior to 'MOJ' and also star Moon Lee Choi-fung and Yukari Oshima), but it's still quite entertaining. The film combines espionage and commando-like action(Moon Lee and Yukari Oshima even wear brown camoflouge)in a story that takes place in the Golden Triangle in Southest Asia. Moon(Moon Lee) and Bullet(Yukari Oshima) are two agents who work for the supposedly ficticious Anti-Crime League led by Colonel Carry(Carrie Ng). There's a prolouge where Gary Daniels and Moon Lee are hunting eachother. Why it happens in the film is difficult to explain. Moon and Bullet are sent to spy on a woman named Yie Feng, who runs white slavery, counterfeiting, and drug smuggling rings. Yie Feng plans on selling large amounts of narcotics to a man named Somi and his henchman, Hans. Moon and Bullet recieve assistance from Mr. Ma( of Station 'B', in what I have to assume
  • 一个少女和她父亲来到外星球勘察神秘矿石,但那座充满危险的森林里还有其他人,很快勘探变成了一场绝命逃亡。
  • 惠特妮·卡明导演处女作,根据神经学医生LouannBrizendine所著图书改编。本书揭示了夫妻在不同相处阶段的大脑内部运作规律,以及其孕育的复杂力量
  • 新版《木乃伊》讲述了一个全新故事,木乃伊公主阿玛内特穿梭到现代伦敦,企图寻回她曾被夺去的一切。 本片由动作巨星汤姆·克鲁斯主演。凭借《王牌特工》中的 “刀锋女”一角大热的新锐女星索菲亚·宝特拉饰演有巨大毁灭力量的木乃伊公主阿玛内特,而好莱坞著名硬汉男星罗素·克劳 也有精彩表现。 导演艾里克斯·库兹曼为好莱坞资深制片人,作品包括《惊天魔盗团》、 《星际迷航:暗黑无界》、《碟中谍3》等。 据悉,影片将于近日发布全球首支官方预告片,届时将有更多精彩场景呈献,并将揭晓更多神秘剧情。该片北美预计2017年6月9 日上映。
  • 由《变形金刚》系列导演迈克尔·贝监制的科幻新片《年鉴计划》(Project Almanac) 今日发布美国版海报。影片讲述五位美国青少年无意间发现了一台时光机,开启了一段前所未有的时空旅行。他们在旅行中任意改变着自己的过去,不料之后这一切引发了疯狂的连锁反应…… 2015年1月30日北美上映。