搜索 Ke

  • 在一座美丽的小镇上,生活着名叫巴布(Neil Morrissey 配音)的建筑工程师,他热情正直,善良可亲,其出色的建筑本领更是为镇上的人们所称道。巴布和温蒂共同经营者建筑王国,他们有很多得力的助手:红色推土机马克、黄色推土/挖土机耍酷、吊车小芙、压路机罗利、搅拌机狄丝,这些小伙伴在巴布的带领下共同建设着这座美好的城市,并且在这一过程中,也发生着各种各样有趣的事情。他们的口号是:“我们一定行!”
  • 《AD2Makeup》是一档外国人化妆教学类节目。节目中Anna D策划脚本化妆造型,她导演拍摄后期制作混音,所以每一期都是用很多时间准备,努力做中国最好的化妆...
  • 强盛的帕尔斯王国,因为连接东西方的大陆公路贯穿王国,故其文化和经济都非常繁盛,王都——叶克巴达那更是可以媲美东方“绢之国”首都的繁荣。但在帕尔斯历320年,帕尔斯被西方蛮族“鲁西达尼亚”入侵,本来不费吹灰之力便可获胜的帕尔斯,却因为其中一名万骑长的叛变,在... 强盛的帕尔斯王国,因为连接东西方的大陆公路贯穿王国,故其文化和经济都非常繁盛,王都——叶克巴达那更是可以媲美东方“绢之国”首都的繁荣。但在帕尔斯历320年,帕尔斯被西方蛮族“鲁西达尼亚”入侵,本来不费吹灰之力便可获胜的帕尔斯,却因为其中一名万骑长的叛变,在平原“亚特罗帕提尼”的会战中惨败,大陆强国竟在一日之间陷入亡国的边缘。败走的帕尔斯国王安德拉寇拉斯三世,在逃亡之际为一名戴着银假面的骑士所捕。而第一次出征的王太子亚尔斯兰,在忠臣兼猛将达龙的协助下从混乱的战场中死里逃生,最后到了巴休尔山找寻不被国王所重用的那尔撒斯。王太子亚尔斯兰在一智一勇的二人,以及其他投奔麾下的忠臣辅助下,踏上了艰苦的复国之路……
  • 讲述了地球上发现的一艘被遗忘的古飞船。侦查员将她运送到月球上,她遇到了令人印象深刻的机器,保存着那消失了很久的文明的智慧。
  • Set against the turbulent backdrop of Forties London, The Night Watch tells the stories of four young Londoners inextricably linked by their wartime experiences. In a time when the barriers of sexual morality and social convention have been broken down, Kay (Anna Maxwell Martin), Helen (Claire Foy), Viv (Jodie Whittaker) and Duncan (Harry Treadaway) enjoy a freedom never experienced before as they engage in secret liaisons and passionate trysts. The drama opens in 1947 as the country is trying to rebuild itself after the war; we find Kay mysteriously roaming the streets, haunted by some traumatic personal loss. Meanwhile, Helen and Viv run a marriage bureau, helping people rebuild their shattered lives by finding love. But their own complicated love lives are less easy to solve. Helen obsessively clings to her tumultuous and volatile relationship with Julia while Viv is continuing an affair with a married man whom she seems unable to break free from. Viv's vulnerable young brother Duncan harbours a terrible secret, when a face from his past re-appears which threatens his fragile existence. Moving back in time through the Forties into the maelstrom of the Blitz, the lives, loves and