- There are thousands of settings in a forest – for a myriad of performances. Sometimes, the forest is bleak and hostile. And those who dwell within become grim adversaries. Then again, it radiates warmth and harmony... and dresses up in shining colours. The forest has always inspired various feelings in humans.Nobody wants to be caught up in the forest during a nocturnal thunderstorm. When th...
- 印度某市,所有人的手机突然被来自天空的神秘力量席卷吸走,手机销售大亨、电信运营老板、国家电信部高官等与手机相关的许多人相继离奇死去;城市上空,巨型变异鸟怪(阿克谢•库玛尔 饰)突然出现,大开杀戒,向所有手机用户宣战,民众陷入恐慌…… 危机时刻,科学家瓦西博士(拉吉尼坎塔 饰)在美女助理妮娜(艾米•杰克逊 饰)的帮助下,一路追踪事件真相,但后果已无法挽回,能够拯救人类的唯一方法只有——重启机器人“七弟”,他将如何变身新一代超级英雄,与这股亦正亦邪的势力开启昏天黑地、脑洞大开的鏖战?......