- Filming in California, the film concerns the story revolves around Isabelle and Gérard, who lost their son six months ago. However, before he died, he sent them a letter in which he invites them to go to Death Valley, at the very heart of the United States. Despite the apparent absurdity of the situation, the mother and father decide to go there anyway and wait for him.
- 五个年轻人,开了一间民宿客栈。他们各有各的经历,各有各的故事。有被骗了钱不得不接手继续经营客栈的老板,有整天吊儿郎当做事不靠谱的表弟,有没事儿就直播、总是幻想美好爱情的前台,有私奔到客栈做厨师和服务员、领了证却没有结婚的情侣未婚小夫妻。这几个看似不靠谱的人,凑合着组合到一起,面对着房东逼债、工资不到位、生活不如意等种种压力,不得不打起精神经营客栈,以图赚到钱后马上撤。而在此过程中,形形色色的客人带着各自的故事住进了客栈,他们的到来不仅带来了经济效益,同时也给客栈中的每一个人带来了前所未有的人生感悟。随着时间的推移,这几个年轻人发现各自身上都发生了微妙的变化,他们决定把这家客栈一直经营下去。