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  • 一桩十九年未破的“八角亭悬案”让玄家人笼罩在阴霾下,亲人间的猜疑与疏离像水镇的氤氲般无法平静。当凶案再次出现,尘封的记忆和伤痛再次让玄家陷入爱与恨的深渊......
  • 孟妍(钟萱 饰)与情人李小天(夏望饰)合谋报复自己的丈夫张青(温兆伦 饰),便收养古曼童下巫蛊诅咒。但是一天晚上孟妍在白云桥上真的碰到了自己堕掉孩子的婴灵,并告诉她一个惊天秘密,之后又被另一种神秘的力量控制,开始对身边的人展开疯狂的报复。到底如何破除这道劫数,成为一道难解的谜团。
  • Appraiser Rachel (Lindsey Shaw) receives the news that her top-notched client wants to buyout a small town's beloved library to build a resort and spa on the land. Rachel is completely against the idea of leaving NYC but loses the argument to her boss. So Rachel packs her bags and flies out to California. During her first visit to the library she runs into writer, Jake (Derek Theler), who is researching the tale of Captain Black Bart's hidden treasures for his next novel. With hopes of saving the library, Mrs. Archer (Rachel Ticotin), the librarian, pushes Jake to show Rachel what the library means to the town. Jake's already got a lot on his plate with his research and taking care of his niece, Hailey (Chiara Aurelia), and nephew, Noah (Max Page), for the summer but he agrees to help out. As Rachel learns what the library means to the community she must find away to save it before it's too late.
  • 肖恩,一个孤独的骑手,同时也是个毒贩子,长久以来都被被一群二流子和荡妇环绕。直到有一天,他遇到了他的真命天女。本该是生活的新起点,没想到却是一次致命旅途。
  • 《李祥和的婚事》又名《李豁子的婚事》,来源于闻名大江南北的南阳大调曲《李豁子离婚》,河南省曲剧团于1994年将它改编成同名曲剧并参加河南省第五届戏剧大赛,获得大奖。《李豁子离婚》讲述民国初年,少女孙氏被叔父卖给年长自己27岁的李豁子为妻。孙氏痛苦万分,至县衙告状。县长问明情由,终判孙氏与李豁子离婚。该剧喜剧效果强烈,生活气息浓厚,具有鲜明的地方色彩。   在电影《李祥和的婚事》中,“李豁子”仍然由胡希华扮演,女一号“孙玉莲”由省曲剧团优秀青年演员晋红娟饰演,刘艳丽则扮演了最终和“李豁子”成亲的远门嫂子“王秀娥”。