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  • 《AD2Makeup》是一档外国人化妆教学类节目。节目中Anna D策划脚本化妆造型,她导演拍摄后期制作混音,所以每一期都是用很多时间准备,努力做中国最好的化妆...
  • 简介:影片根据真实故事改编。1942年,二战正酣。1月16日,三名彼此陌生的士兵,加瑞特·迪拉胡特(《为奴十二年》《环形使者》)饰演的飞行员,费尔顿饰演的投弹手,以及杰克·阿贝尔(《波西·杰克逊与神火之盗》)饰演的无线电通讯员,驾驶美国海军的一架飞机,出发执行侦察任务。 飞机燃油耗尽,不得不在南太平洋上迫降。三人没有食物,没有水,没有任何补给,只有一艘4英尺宽,8英尺长的黄色救生筏,让他们在危机四伏的海面上漂流。他们必须互相扶持,战胜饥饿、风暴和鲨鱼袭击,想办法让救生筏驶向安全的陆地。
  • 故事发生在意大利里维埃拉地区的一个美丽海滨小镇,讲述了男孩卢卡在令人难忘的夏季,所经历的成长故事,充满了意式冰淇淋、意大利面和无尽的摩托车骑行。卢卡与好友阿贝托和新朋友朱莉娅共赴冒险,但所有的乐趣都受到一个深藏不露的秘密威胁——他们两人是来自水面下另一个世界的海怪。
  • Set against the turbulent backdrop of Forties London, The Night Watch tells the stories of four young Londoners inextricably linked by their wartime experiences. In a time when the barriers of sexual morality and social convention have been broken down, Kay (Anna Maxwell Martin), Helen (Claire Foy), Viv (Jodie Whittaker) and Duncan (Harry Treadaway) enjoy a freedom never experienced before as they engage in secret liaisons and passionate trysts. The drama opens in 1947 as the country is trying to rebuild itself after the war; we find Kay mysteriously roaming the streets, haunted by some traumatic personal loss. Meanwhile, Helen and Viv run a marriage bureau, helping people rebuild their shattered lives by finding love. But their own complicated love lives are less easy to solve. Helen obsessively clings to her tumultuous and volatile relationship with Julia while Viv is continuing an affair with a married man whom she seems unable to break free from. Viv's vulnerable young brother Duncan harbours a terrible secret, when a face from his past re-appears which threatens his fragile existence. Moving back in time through the Forties into the maelstrom of the Blitz, the lives, loves and
  • 多年来,各式各样的人都在不断的获得职位晋升,而安吉拉·沃克作为一名出色的职员,却始终无法晋升。她作为一名黑人女性职员,对这样的结果深感不公。在精心的策划下,安吉拉决定打破局面,亲手改变自己的命运。