- Raymond runs an organic egg farm in Brittany, France. He also entertains a secret passion for theater and in particular for the play Cyrano de Bergerac, which he recites to his favorite and only audience: his hens! When his main egg buyer walks out on him, his entire life goes haywire. Desperate to save his farm, he takes on the crazy challenge of turning his love for theater into a series of internet performances starring himself and his best friend, the hen Roxane!
- Ukraine, 1941: a Jewish girl regains consciousness under a layer of black earth. Close-ups of milky-white body parts reveal she is in a mass grave. The images are of great beauty despite all their horror. Director Alexey Fedorchenko (Silent Souls, 2010; Angels of Revolution, 2014) modestly, empathically tells the true story of six-year-old Anna, who views the war from her hiding place in a building taken over by the Nazis. The guard dog outside imprisons her. The threat of discovery is constant.
- 故事发生在解放战争前夕,本想过着平凡生活的孟三在一次偶然得到一张军事藏火图后,被卷入了一个不知深浅的漩涡之中。 孟三为人善良,乐善好施,嫉恶如仇,总好打抱不平。每当乡邻百姓遇到困难的时候,他都会及时相助。土地给了百姓,从不要租子。于是在赤城一带他的威望很高,大家都称他一声“孟三爷”。 在一次解救一个陌生人时,孟三得到一张军事藏火图后,他的生活开始不再平凡。 国民党军以麻姑为首潜伏在当地的特务队和以郭麻子为头目的保安队狼狈为奸,四处寻找着地图的下落。后有人指证,得知地图在孟三手上,于是麻姑和郭麻子等人使用了各种计谋,想从孟三手中夺得地图。 与此同时,共产党地下党潜伏在当地的组织也在暗中查找地图。经过对孟三的了解,得知孟三的为人,因此暗中对孟三采取了保护措施。 麻姑与孟三早年就是亲戚,想借此设计混入孟府,伺机盗取地图。 孟三为了顺利完成陌生人的遗愿,在真假难辨的危险环境下,凭借自己的威望、势力以及聪明才智,从中机敏地周旋,与麻姑等人展开了激烈的斗争……