搜索 an

  • Young boy with autism causes of hardships for his old parents, as his father isn`t accepting the fact that he is different from the rest while his mother is trying her best to fit his needs. His mother later finds the right people to help her cute son live his life for good.
  • Alonso是一名热爱滑板的少年,他决定以滑板为唯一交通工具横跨西班牙,在这一场非同寻常的旅程中Alonso遇到了形形色色的人,他们将逐渐明白Alonso为何要展开这样一段旅程,也将在不知不觉中影响Alonso的人生。
  • A story of three avid Atletico Madrid fans and three groupies of Real Madrid: each of them enjoy a moment together during the week of the Champion's League Final. The night of the match the couples watch the game in the same bar but the outcome is not they expect!
  • 萨米(Baptiste Gilliéron 饰),一个悠闲的作曲家,也是个过气的音乐人,现在的他生活百无聊赖,和四年的女朋友刚刚分手,与自己朋友费尔南德(安德烈·维尔姆斯 饰)关系一直很好。有一天,萨米和老友在酒吧驻场完后,开车回家的路上遇到了一个女孩,女孩也是个特立独行的人,她搭上了萨米的顺风车,一路上两个人开始互相熟知,之后的时光中,萨米和女孩慢慢产生了感情。爱情是温柔和美妙的,老朋友费尔南德深知女孩是萨米的真爱。
  • 50岁的家庭主妇玛娜娜陷入两难境地——她不得不在她的家庭生活和多年来难以自抑的写作热情之间作出选择。艺术或许来源于本性和真实,而本性来源于生活与遭遇。文具店老板努尔克全力帮助玛娜娜进行创作。虽然得不到她的丈夫、儿女、出版商的理解,但她却更执意释放天性、沉浸入创作的精神世界,不惜模糊了现实与想象。最终,父亲的质问犹如拨开迷雾一般进入玛娜娜的创作世界。