- Barbara is a very rich girl who falls in love with Norman Phiffier, a poor young man. She doesn't tell him who she really is and prepares to marry him. But, Mrs. Tuttle (Barbara's mother) doesn't want her daughter to mary such a poor man. So, she hires Norman at one of her big stores, and gives him the most difficult and disgusting works. She hopes that seeing Norman humiliated, Barbara will finally leave him. But things don't work exactly this way...
- 讲述了住在北京的郑妈妈有三个闺女三个女婿,由于郑妈妈教女有方,一大家子日子过得其乐融融。可突如其来的一段录音却让郑妈妈怀疑已去世的老伴曾经藏有私房钱,为防止女儿们的家庭不稳,郑妈妈郑重其事地嘱咐三个女儿要想把自己的老公看住,必须从私房钱查起。于是,三姐妹经过缜密筹划采用引蛇出洞、突然袭击、声东击西等招数,对自己的老公发起了私房钱大战。一番闹剧过后三个原本幸福的家庭陷入情感信任危机,直接导致大闺女家冷战、二闺女家离婚、三闺女家分居。这一切让引发“战争”的郑妈妈后悔莫及,她又做起了“消防员”,穿梭于三个家庭中百般劝解,一场场战争才趋于平静。经历诸多事件,大家领悟到生活的真谛是相互信任,夫妻间信任才能使家庭和睦。