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  • Jim Street(Colin Farrell 饰)是洛杉矶S.W.A.T(反恐特警组)的一员,在和搭档Brian Gamble(Jeremy Renner 饰)执行一次人质解救任务时,由于Brian的失误,人质向政府要求赔偿,Brian一怒之下离开警队,Jim也被 调到别的部门,二人之间的友谊就此结束了。 6个月之后,Jim靠自己不懈努力终于回到S.W.A.T。此时的S.W.A.T由Sgt. Dan 'Hondo' Harrelson(Samuel L. Jackson 饰)担任指挥官,有五名队员,并打破了没有女人的规则,出现了S.W.A.T.的第一名女队员——一位单亲妈妈 Chris Sanchez(Michelle Rodriguez饰)。 在Harrelson的指导下,五名队员接受几个星期的严酷训练之后,Jim和队友开始执行首次任务:看管声明狼籍的大毒枭.Alex Montel (Olivier Martinez 饰)——一个经营贩毒,军火走私,洗黑钱等罪恶勾当的罪犯。 Alex Montel被洛杉矶警察逮捕后,仍然打算在引渡之前逃脱法网,他通过媒体许诺:任何能把他解救出来的人将可以得到1亿美元的巨额赏金。为了得到这笔钱,亡命徒们展开了行动,其中包括Jim的老搭档Brian Gamble,S.W.A.T的队员们面临最艰巨的挑战,而关键时刻,队员的变节和上级领导的不信任,几乎将他们逼入绝境。
  • 机械天才蒂姆·詹金(丹尼尔·雷德克里夫 饰)搭档好兄弟史蒂芬·李(丹尼尔·韦伯 饰)秘密组建越狱行动队,上演了一场令人窒息步步惊心的精巧越狱大秀。面对冷血狱警的无理压迫,看行动队如何摆脱404天牢狱之灾,如何冲破15道自由之门,手握天才之钥密室逃生。
  • 17岁的杰西(拉奇兰·布坎南 饰)生活在哥哥维克多(瑞沙德·斯垂克 饰)未能成为冲浪冠军的阴影下,虽然杰西拥有与生俱来的冲浪技能,但他能否突破自己呢?
  • 大卫的摇滚明星哥哥死于服药过量,这件事给了大卫非常大的打击,使他从此变得意志消沉。大卫的父母无奈之下,将其送去了青少年行为管制所,希望他能有所转变。然而那里就像是一个人间地狱,虐待成性的长官与随从让大卫非常不适应。直到有一天,大卫遇见了乔纳森——几年前死于管制所的同屋人,事情终于开始有所转变……
  • Appraiser Rachel (Lindsey Shaw) receives the news that her top-notched client wants to buyout a small town's beloved library to build a resort and spa on the land. Rachel is completely against the idea of leaving NYC but loses the argument to her boss. So Rachel packs her bags and flies out to California. During her first visit to the library she runs into writer, Jake (Derek Theler), who is researching the tale of Captain Black Bart's hidden treasures for his next novel. With hopes of saving the library, Mrs. Archer (Rachel Ticotin), the librarian, pushes Jake to show Rachel what the library means to the town. Jake's already got a lot on his plate with his research and taking care of his niece, Hailey (Chiara Aurelia), and nephew, Noah (Max Page), for the summer but he agrees to help out. As Rachel learns what the library means to the community she must find away to save it before it's too late.