搜索 Yoshi

  • 小学生典道(山崎裕太)和同伴们(反田孝幸,小桥贤儿)争论起一个有关烟花的问题。为了解决这个困惑,他们打算趁夏季花火大会的机会到燃放烟花的灯塔上看个究竟。同时,他们的同学少女奈砂(奥菜惠)因为父母离异而决定离家出走。于是他们在烟花表演的夜晚,一起爬山去那个灯塔。而遗憾的是,当这些少年最终到达灯塔的时候,烟花表演却结束了……...
  • 电影反映夫妻之间的真实样态和中老年人内心微妙的情感,讴歌夫妇之情的可贵,传达世间有更多相亲相爱的夫妇...
  • 本作品是17岁时死去的染谷航太和24岁长大的今野芽衣展开的幻想爱情片。没有告知自己的想法就离开了人世的航太,在时隔7年回到故乡的芽衣面前,只在季节不同的樱花盛开期间出现。
  • 京都太秦,一个有着上千年悠久历史、至今仍依存大量古迹名胜的城市。在上世纪后半叶,多家电影厂及数不胜数的电影工作者在此留下足迹,驰名海内外的经典名作《罗生门》即诞生于此。电影产业飞速发展,与之配套的商业街也应运而生。然而随着大电影厂相继倒产,太秦早已不复悼念的辉煌。供职于当地大学图书馆的东出京子(海老瀬はな 饰)是商业街洗衣店的女儿,她的青梅竹马梁濑康太(USA 饰)不愿过早继承家里的豆腐店,一心成为名闻全国的搞笑艺人,可是却不断遭受挫折,彼此互有好感的两人也因此磕磕绊绊。在此期间,京子结识了来自东京的交换学者榎大地(田中状太郎 饰)。榎对这个质朴的女孩一见钟情,随即展开了热烈的追求。平静的太秦,略带失落和忧伤的爱情物语悄悄上演…… 本片由山田洋次携其担任客座教授的立命馆大学映像学部22名学生共同制作。
  • Regular Eastern cinematic bad guy, Philip Ko stars in this typically baffling IFD affair as a hit-man who's brother happens to be a cop (yep, complications are very much on the cards here!) Of course, this being an IFD flick with Ko in it, one thing is immediately guaranteed; a rough sex scene(!) Just what the hell is it with Ko and such sequences in these flicks? As it happens we're not exactly given much chance to ponder such questions, as the ostensibly contractually requisite scene transpires within the very first minute of the films running time!!!! The rest of the film is a decidedly confusing mess (as we've come to expect from Joseph Lai's infamous production company) involving Ko hired to take out three targets including fellow regular bad guy John Ladalski (who it is revealed, has a somewhat sinisterly themed predilection for performing body painting and photography upon hapless damsels!) Whilst this plot is simple enough, matters become a more thoroughly head scratching affair when another tale of drug dealing and murder kicks into action involving two crime syndicates (or at least that's what I made of it anyway). Still, to be fair, do any of these films make even a jot