- 刚果首都金沙萨,单亲母亲菲丽希缇(Véro Tshanda Beya Mputu 饰)每晚在低廉的小酒馆驻唱,结果儿子萨蒙(Gaetan Claudia 饰)突然遭遇摩托车事故面临截肢,让这个贫穷但骄傲的女人被迫到处筹钱为儿子做手术,期间她获得了杂工塔布(Papi Mpaka 饰)的帮助,更多的是面对别人的冷眼和羞辱。为了冰箱零件和工人争吵,在医院被骗药费,跟同事们筹钱遭遇的各种嘴脸,在亲戚、雇主、前夫那里受到侮辱和攻击。看起来是钱的事儿,也确实是钱的事儿,走投无路的菲丽希缇甚至闯进并不相识的有钱人家索要帮助。最后儿子还是没有摆脱截肢的厄运,菲丽希缇该怎样从巨大的打击中走出来呢?
- Algiers, a few years after the civil war. Amal and Samir have decided to celebrate their twentieth wedding anniversary in a restaurant. While on their way, their share their views on Algeria: Amal talks about lost illusions and Samir about the necessity to cope with them. At the same time, their son Fahim and his friends Feriel and Reda are wandering about in a hostile Algiers about to steal their youth.