搜索 乔治

  • 本片根据挪威藉英国儿童文学作家罗尔德·达尔(Roald Dahl)的同名儿童故事改编。狐狸爸爸(乔治·克鲁尼 George Clooney 配音)和狐狸太太(梅丽尔斯·特里普 Meryl Streep 配音)在乳鸽场偷窃时得知狐狸太太怀孕,狐狸爸爸承诺二人脱逃后不再行窃。两年后,狐狸爸爸不顾獾律师(比尔·默瑞 Bill Murray 配音)的反对,执意购入了位于养鸡场、火腿商和苹果酒三农场主地界上的树屋。一心想成为运动员的狐狸儿子艾什(詹森·舒瓦兹曼 Jason Schwartzman 配音)对新搬来暂住的表兄克里斯托弗森(艾瑞克·蔡斯·安德森 Eric Chase Anderson 配音)又妒又恨;而狐狸爸爸则再次按奈不住,联合树屋管理员负鼠凯利(华莱士·沃勒德斯基 Wallace Wolodarsky 配音)秘密对三农场主再行偷窃,直到引来一场人和动物的殊死大战…… 本片被提名英国电影电视工会最佳动画片及最佳音乐奖和金球奖最佳动画片,并获拉斯维加斯、洛杉矶、纽约和多伦多影评人协会的最佳动画片奖,及旧金山和圣地亚哥影评人协会最佳改编剧本奖。
  • 聚焦安东尼奥·利加波尔震惊全意大利的戏剧性人生,自幼就展现绘画天赋的他,童年却十分坎坷,义大利父母非法到德瑞边境打零工,母亲过世后,被送给一对夫妻收养,但精神问题却让他不受欢迎,随着身份问题被揭发,而被迫遣送回意大利。一生颠沛流离,进出精神病院无数次,直到认识了一名雕刻家,开始学习画画和雕塑,而成为了20世纪重要的素人艺术画家。
  • 本片讲述了一个职业蛇头Maklovsky(Eric Roberts饰)的犯罪故事,他试图帮助一对俄国人偷渡到美国,然而计划破产。洛杉矶警察局局长Michael Marc...
  • Claudio是罗马郊区一个建筑工地上的工人。他很爱自己的妻子,后者正怀着第三个孩子。一场意外的悲剧打破了他们简单幸福的生活。对生活感到愤怒的 Claudio将勇敢对抗自己所遭受的社会不公正。家庭与友人的支持及孩子们的爱将帮助他度过人生这一大劫。 Claudio works on a site in the suburbs of Roma. He is madly in love with his wife who is pregnant with their third child. However, a dramatic event comes to upset this simple and happy life. In a rage for life, Claudio energetically fights against the injustice that fell upon him. Love and support from his friends and family as well as the laughter of his children will help him to
  • 1920s. Vietnam under colonial French ruling. Anti-French rebellions emerge all over the country to disrupt the foreign occupiers. In respond, the colonialist employed units of Vietnamese agents to track and destroy these rebels. The film follows the journey of LE VAN CUONG, a French cultured undercover elite. Although branded with a perfect track record, Cuong's inner conscience is troubled by the sea of Vietnamese blood he had spilled to uphold a French washed ideal. Following an assassination of a high ranking French, Cuong is assigned to seek and kill the notorious leader of the resistance. Cuong encounters VO THANH THUY, a relentless revolutionary fighter and the daughter of the rebel leader. Cuong's superior intends for him to use Thuy as a mean to get to her father but Cuong soon has feelings for her. Thuy's patriotism ignites conflicts between Cuong's consciousness and his cultured faith. Will Cuong discover his inner-self and find love or will he continue his mission? The journey unfolds...