- 超级太阳风暴导致的地震及火山喷发,引起了科学家梅雷迪思的关注。她对此十分担忧,并确信近期不断发生的地壳活动,是毁灭性灾难来临前的预兆。情况危急,得不到同事认可的梅雷迪思决心将情况上报给市政府,希望政府重视并对全人类做出警示。然而灾难的到来比梅雷迪思预料的更快,正当她到达市政厅,表明来意欲面见市长之际,海啸、地震、火山喷发等活动正在全球同时爆发,交通瘫痪,通讯中断,城市顷刻间变为人间地狱
- In the middle of Nowheresville lives 16-year-old Mike who wants out of his crappy life - permanently! Spending his time devising ways to do himself in, he considers the fatal brain tumor in his head as a godsend. That changes when he meets a girl and falls in love for the first time - without even knowing what love is.