搜索 Christ

  • 本片描述了几个六岁左右的孩子的暑假憧憬,而守护着他们阳光般笑容的大人们实则每天在为生活拼搏。
  • 一艘外星飞船摧毁华盛顿特区,美国总统下落不明,一个小镇的居民联合美国士兵寻找神秘装置。
  • 年轻人依莱亚斯(皮奥·马麦 饰)因为盗窃罪被判罚为医院做两年紧急护士。在这期间他帮助了许多病患,还结识了美丽的女医生,这一段经历让依莱亚斯改过自新,对于生活有了新的寄托。今天是服务令的最后一天,再过几个小时,他就可以重获自由了,但这个原本应该很美丽的晚上充满了各种意外。依莱亚斯像往常一样在医院里忙碌着,一个严重受伤的病患被推进了急诊室,他竟然是依莱亚斯以前的盗窃同伙鲁迪(多米尼克·皮诺 饰),鲁迪的到来成为了这个灾难之夜的开始……
  • California, Mojave Desert, 1998. A strange glow appears in the sky. Sam, a forty-something door-to-door salesman, travels through the few inhabited zones of the Californian desert in search of clients, yet everything seems deserted. What's more, his wife won't answer his calls. It's as if everyone were avoiding him. When his car breaks down, Sam becomes a prisoner of the empty, hostile environment. Alone and without human contact for days on end, he listens continuously to a talk-show on the only local radio station. The host, a man named Eddy, takes calls from listeners who share their thoughts on a child killer at large in the area. At the same time, Sam starts getting psychologically harassed by strange threats he receives on his pager. Gradually, people begin to reappear and attempt to kill him. Sam has become a target and he must now defend himself. Little by little he loses it, caught up in a paranoid identity crisis. Is he truly the killer they're after, or is he being driven ...
  • 1969年,挪威政府宣布在邻近的北海发现了世界上最大的油田之一,掀起了近海钻探的繁荣时期。50年后,环境影响开始显现——海底裂开了一条裂缝,导致一个钻井平台坍塌。一组研究人员,包括潜艇操作员索菲亚,冲进去寻找失踪者和评估破坏的原因,但他们发现,这只是一个可能的世界末日灾难的开始。随着钻井平台的撤离,索菲亚的爱人斯蒂安被困在了海底,索菲亚必须潜入海底去救斯蒂安。