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  • 在非洲游历了一圈之后,纽约中央公园的四位明星们继续着回到纽约,回到中央公园的旅程。不过,只要旅途中有猩猩和那群企鹅的“帮忙”,旅程就没有想象中的那么顺利。在蒙特卡洛的一家赌场里,由于大家的耍宝,大闹赌场,进而招致了心狠手辣的动物管理局上尉杜波依斯(弗兰西斯·麦克多蒙德 Frances McDormand 配音)的围追堵截。为了逃过追捕,大家逃进了一个在欧洲进行巡回演出的马戏团。在马戏团里,大家延续着“马达加斯加”式的幽默,笑料百出。虽然,欧洲这一路上的旅行并不顺利,不断受到杜波依斯上尉的追捕威胁,不过大家一直怀揣着回到纽约,回到纽约中央公园的梦想。在马戏团,还帮助了东北虎维塔利(布莱恩·科兰斯顿 Bryan Cranston 配音)、美洲虎吉亚(杰西卡·查斯坦 Jessica Chastain 配音)以及海狮斯蒂芬诺(马丁·肖特 Martin Short 配音)重拾对马戏表演的信心。
  • 更多潮流分享,敬请期待。
  • 四名勇敢者再次穿越回到险象环生的游戏世界中,开启全新冒险。与上次不同的是,变身勇石博士 (道恩·强森 饰) 的是斯潘瑟的外公,外公的好友则变身为语言学家 (凯文· 哈特 饰),高大威猛的弗里奇变成了中年发福地质学家 (杰克·布莱克 饰),只有学霸玛莎依旧化身性感打女 (凯伦·吉兰 饰),斯潘瑟和贝瑟尼却不知所踪。为营救消失的伙伴,四人必须进入全面失控的未知世界,面对难度爆表危险重重的致命关卡,强森领队挑战极限玩命闯关。山崩石裂的险境中命悬一线,与突如其来的凶猛野兽死战到底,他们唯有绷紧神经并肩作战,才能通过生死考验逃出生天。一场惊险刺激又充满惊喜的冒险之旅即将展开!
  • 在永恒荒野的中央,坐落着奇妙丛林的村落,这里植被茂盛又富有魔力,是各种小精灵的家园:涂涂和阿兔、粒粒和阿丽、又又和阿鼬等等,还有新近加入的袅袅和阿鸟。 他们彼此关爱,互相帮助,一起过着快乐的生活。
  • Set against the turbulent backdrop of Forties London, The Night Watch tells the stories of four young Londoners inextricably linked by their wartime experiences. In a time when the barriers of sexual morality and social convention have been broken down, Kay (Anna Maxwell Martin), Helen (Claire Foy), Viv (Jodie Whittaker) and Duncan (Harry Treadaway) enjoy a freedom never experienced before as they engage in secret liaisons and passionate trysts. The drama opens in 1947 as the country is trying to rebuild itself after the war; we find Kay mysteriously roaming the streets, haunted by some traumatic personal loss. Meanwhile, Helen and Viv run a marriage bureau, helping people rebuild their shattered lives by finding love. But their own complicated love lives are less easy to solve. Helen obsessively clings to her tumultuous and volatile relationship with Julia while Viv is continuing an affair with a married man whom she seems unable to break free from. Viv's vulnerable young brother Duncan harbours a terrible secret, when a face from his past re-appears which threatens his fragile existence. Moving back in time through the Forties into the maelstrom of the Blitz, the lives, loves and