- Alain Moreau (Jean-Claude Van Damme) is a cop in Nice, France. Alain is at a funeral that is being held for a fellow cop, when Alain’s partner Sebastien (Jean-Hugues Anglade) shows up. They discover that his name was Mikhail Suverov, and Mikhail was born on exactly the same day Alain was. As it turns out, Mikhail is the twin brother Alain never knew he had. Tracing his brother's steps back to New York City, Alain discovers that Mikhail was a member of the Russian Mafia, who was chased down and killed when he attempted to get out. Of course, now Alain is mistaken for Mikhail, who was also mixed up in a war between Mafia organizations. With his only real ally being Mikhail's fiancé Alex Bartlett (Natasha Henstridge), Alain sets out to avenge his brother's death, which is complicated not only by the Mafia, but by two corrupt FBI agents.
- 在郊區一間密不透風的密室內, 光線微弱得幾乎成不了直線。一對男女昏迷在地上, 而男子肚腹被插上小刀......;女子首先蘇醒過來,她發覺門被鎖。她從門縫中發現了門外地上有一條門匙, 但她未能把門匙拉回來。男子終於醒過來了, 他感到痛楚之餘不忘懼怕。言語間竟然發現彼此也失去了記憶!這令兩人之間的猜疑有增無減。密室的空氣越來越少, 女子漸漸失去理智, 她決定要把男子身上的小刀拔出並把門匙取回, 結果她成功了!兩人朝相反的方向,步履闌珊地離開房間。後來男子發現自己是被綁架的目標人物!他更發現地上一具年青女性屍體, 他想起她是自己的女朋友, 男子得回了大部份記憶, 他直指女子是綁匪, 女子真的是綁匪嗎?