搜索 Er

  • 一位著名的伊朗女演员收到了一段令人不安的视频。影像中,一个年轻女孩请求她的帮助,以逃离保守家庭的支配……女演员向好友兼导演Jafar Panah求助,以确定这是否是一次恶作剧。两人一同动身前往西北部与世隔绝的山区,去寻找年轻女孩所在的村庄。在这里,古老的传统依然主宰着当地人的每日生活。
  • 二十世纪80年代,两个年轻的作家决定到疯狂相恋的方式征服这个世界。INKA认为恋爱让一切变得生机勃勃。她找到属于自己的声音,发表了她的第一部小说,造成轰动。JUHANA却没这么好运,他的写作迷失了, 这种迷失进一步放大到生活中, INKA开始怀疑,这场疯狂的恋爱会不会是一场真正的疯狂。
  • 这是一个关于情侣曲曲折折的爱情故事,在结婚后面临着许许多多的问题他们该如何处理?夫妻间又该如何相处?
  • 影片为黑色喜剧,男主为了向前妻证明自己的勇敢竟贸然抢劫了银行。警察开始调查犯罪案件却遗漏了这个看上去非常斯文又正派的幕后黑手。一场诙谐又紧张的猫鼠游戏正在上演。
  • 1920s. Vietnam under colonial French ruling. Anti-French rebellions emerge all over the country to disrupt the foreign occupiers. In respond, the colonialist employed units of Vietnamese agents to track and destroy these rebels. The film follows the journey of LE VAN CUONG, a French cultured undercover elite. Although branded with a perfect track record, Cuong's inner conscience is troubled by the sea of Vietnamese blood he had spilled to uphold a French washed ideal. Following an assassination of a high ranking French, Cuong is assigned to seek and kill the notorious leader of the resistance. Cuong encounters VO THANH THUY, a relentless revolutionary fighter and the daughter of the rebel leader. Cuong's superior intends for him to use Thuy as a mean to get to her father but Cuong soon has feelings for her. Thuy's patriotism ignites conflicts between Cuong's consciousness and his cultured faith. Will Cuong discover his inner-self and find love or will he continue his mission? The journey unfolds...