- Filming in California, the film concerns the story revolves around Isabelle and Gérard, who lost their son six months ago. However, before he died, he sent them a letter in which he invites them to go to Death Valley, at the very heart of the United States. Despite the apparent absurdity of the situation, the mother and father decide to go there anyway and wait for him.
- 北斗司是北宋隶属皇城司之下的神秘机构,成员皆以北斗诸星为代号,各自拥有不同异能,掌握着在当时看来神奇先进的科技,是直接听命于皇帝的亲卫部队,也是护佑朝堂与天下苍生的一道屏障。拥有“不死身”的莽撞少年太岁,偶然结识了拥有异能的暴力萝莉武瑶光和风流浪子柳随风,跟随他们加入了北斗司。之后他们屡破奇案,惩恶扬善。通过一系列案件,太岁逐渐发现自己的“不死身”和自己扑朔迷离的身世有关,这些案件背后还有更大的阴谋。他不愿与恶势力同流合污,用忠诚、友爱和智慧将伙伴们团结在一起,不断成长。最后在正义之士的帮助下,他们终于找出并惩戒原凶,匡扶正义,造福百姓,太岁也终于找回了失散的家人,收获了美好的爱情。