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  • 十七岁的少女汉娜在一次偶然的机会上看到一个“励瘦网站”,作为一名跳舞的人,安娜很希望自己能像其他的女孩一样瘦一点,并且最终在这个“励瘦网站”上悄悄注册了账号,并且跟着这个网站上一个叫“蝴蝶安娜”的女人开始减肥,而实际上这个网站是让人们养成厌食症拒绝进食的网站。最终汉娜终于染上了厌食症,当她意识到这个问题的严重性时,她想要摆脱这个实际上是自己内心的“蝴蝶安娜”在作祟的状况,他的父母也在发现了自己女儿不正常的情况后让她去找心理医生和营养师的帮助。最后汉娜终于战胜了内心的“减肥恶魔”,过上了正常的生活。
  • 本片讲述一个受欺负的男孩碰到了同样因腿伤受欺负的狗马歇尔,在救助马歇尔的过程中使男孩重获勇敢自信。影片借助狗的视角类比男孩的经历,双方产生共鸣,同时又宣扬了热爱动物的主题。但是部分情节冗长杂乱,叙述平平无奇。
  • 由《变形金刚》系列导演迈克尔·贝监制的科幻新片《年鉴计划》(Project Almanac) 今日发布美国版海报。影片讲述五位美国青少年无意间发现了一台时光机,开启了一段前所未有的时空旅行。他们在旅行中任意改变着自己的过去,不料之后这一切引发了疯狂的连锁反应…… 2015年1月30日北美上映。
  • In this futuristic science fiction thriller, government security agent Jerry Hipple has been unsuccessfully tracking the city's most infamous criminal The Red Harvest Killer. When two nomadic lovers, Katia and Gladys enter the city the death count rises and are being credited as Red Harvest killings. Obsessive compulsive Adrian, the actual Red Harvest Killer becomes furious that the sexy serial killing duo are grabbing media attention under his alias. Not only does Adrian attempt to reclaim his rightful reputation but he also decides to cleverly aid his detective counterpart through the case. All the while, killers and victims alike are unaware the world is about to reach an abrupt catastrophic ending.
  • A lovable dog named Bandit starts stealing cash to help his adopted family, he unwittingly sets them on a collision course with his dangerous ex-partner.