搜索 克里斯

  • 三位不同的人、三个不同的世界、三场不同的战争,他们都站在现代战争的十字路口,一个不光彩的世界,在那里道德良知荡然无存。
  • 基于短波无线电频率的起源理论的惊悚片。伊莎贝尔自女儿莫名失踪后,处于长期恍惚中,而幕后黑手似乎来自NGC-6809星系团,然而地球是圆的…
  • 海星状的怪物,五头鲨入侵了波多黎各海滩,危及一片和平的天堂岛屿。
  • 地球核心因为不明原因停止转动,导致存在于地球上的电磁场急速崩解,全球各 地都出现异常灾难。美国波士顿在十个街口的范围内,有三十二名装置心律调整器的 市民在一瞬间心脏停止跳动因而暴毙; 西岸旧金山的地标金门大桥也突然断成两截,数百人坠入大海;而更离奇的是, 聚集在伦敦特拉法加广场的成群鸽子突然之间失去辨识方向能力,于是成千上百只鸽 子就这样冲进人群或是撞上玻璃窗,不但伤及无数游客,更让车辆驾驶失去控制发生 严重意外; 最夸张的是,罗马著名的观光景点古罗马竞技场前,无数游客竟然亲眼目睹这座 千年古迹被密集的闪电击成碎片。美国政府及军方在面临这项空前危机时,决定向顶 尖的地质物理学家乔许·凯斯,以及一群全球最杰出的科学家求助并找来所谓的“地 心航员”蕾贝卡·柴德中校以及劳勃·艾维森指挥官驾驶一艘前所未有的地心航舰, 载着这群科学家执行一项空前绝后的伟大任务,那就是深入地心引爆核弹,让地球核 新再度转动,并避免地心毁灭导致世界末日……
  • Once upon a time in post-war Rome: 13-year old Aurora, a gifted pianist, is the daughter of Valerio, a brilliant conductor. After Aurora's mother died, Valerio hired Irene, a single mother of two girls, to run the household. To Aurora's regret he decides to marry Irene. One day, Aurora happens to meet the boys next door, Freddy and Sebastian, the sons of a wealthy Italo-Austrian family. Freddy is an easy-going chap, though sometimes a little bit arrogant. His brother Sebastian is kind and shy, with a great ability to listen to and understand people, which makes him win Aurora's heart. However, Aurora's life is shattered when her father suddenly dies. Irene, the unloved stepmother, lays hands on the family's assets and turns her late husband's villa into a hotel. Aurora is unable to claim her right to inheritance until her 21st birthday. Irene makes her give up schooling and piano playing. Instead, she has to work as a maid in the hotel. Irene's own daughters, Lucia and Teresina, n...