搜索 安格

  • 一个黑人毛头小伙莱斯(维斯罗斯•雷恩•香农 Vicellous Reon Shannon 饰)在旧书市无意中淘到了拳王“飓风”鲁本•卡特(丹泽尔•华盛顿 Denzel Washington 饰)在狱中写的自传,并开始了对他的故事产生了兴趣。鲁本出生于贫寒家庭,幼年时嫉恶如仇,因此与当地的白人警察结怨。后来,他因为出色的身手,名震拳坛,绰号“飓风”。此后,他参加了越战成为荣誉军官,并在某舞会偶然结识了后来的妻子。当生活进入美满轨道的时候,一次新泽西酒吧杀人案彻底毁掉了他美好希望。莱斯与鲁本通信,了解到他蒙受不白之冤,便说服了朋友们,一起查找证据,希望揭开真相,令他重获自由,然而种族歧视的恶势力却在暗中百般刁难,意图把飓风困死在牢房……
  • Actors and extras reminisce about their time on the set of Star Wars and how making the film affected their lives
  • Alain Moreau (Jean-Claude Van Damme) is a cop in Nice, France. Alain is at a funeral that is being held for a fellow cop, when Alain’s partner Sebastien (Jean-Hugues Anglade) shows up. They discover that his name was Mikhail Suverov, and Mikhail was born on exactly the same day Alain was. As it turns out, Mikhail is the twin brother Alain never knew he had. Tracing his brother's steps back to New York City, Alain discovers that Mikhail was a member of the Russian Mafia, who was chased down and killed when he attempted to get out. Of course, now Alain is mistaken for Mikhail, who was also mixed up in a war between Mafia organizations. With his only real ally being Mikhail's fiancé Alex Bartlett (Natasha Henstridge), Alain sets out to avenge his brother's death, which is complicated not only by the Mafia, but by two corrupt FBI agents.
  • 作家巴里(约翰尼·德普 Johnny Depp饰)正处于灵感枯竭期。他每天经过公园的时候,都会看见里面有一帮小孩在嬉戏。他停下脚步来观察,原来孩子在玩海盗游戏,孩子们还热情邀请他加入海盗队伍。巴里成了一个大孩子,在队伍中虽然高出一个头,却玩得不亦乐乎——道具、角色、各色情节、公园变成一个快乐的幻想世界。这段经历,成了巴里创作《小飞侠》的灵感源泉。 孩子的母亲(凯特·温丝莱特 Kate Winslet 饰)是一个寡妇,她也受到了这里快乐的气氛感染。巴里和他们相处就像一家人一样,享受着单纯的快乐,然而也难免招人闲话。而巴里的妻子,也终究只属于现实世界,走不尽巴里的内心。 《小飞侠》的完稿上演,遭到了众人的质疑。然而演出后当地的反响,证明了巴里的坚持是正确的。但这时,巴里和孩子们正面临着一场来自现实世界的巨大打击,他们善良的母亲,正在离他们远去……