- Desperate to experience true emotion, a young woman, CARYS, regularly attends the funerals of strangers. But she's unprepared for the secrets she must keep and the lies she must tell when, at one fateful wake, she falls for TYLER, who is mourning his fiancée. As Carys allows herself to experience love for the first time, she begins to fear that perhaps her fascination with death might lead to her own untimely demise...
- 《2024年中央广播电视总台春节联欢晚会》是中央广播电视总台制作并播出的晚会,设北京主会场和辽宁沈阳、湖南长沙、陕西西安、新疆喀什四个分会场,晚会以“龙行龘龘,欣欣家国”为主题,创新“思想+艺术+技术”融合传播,与全球华人相约除夕,共享一台精彩纷呈、情真意切、热气腾腾的文化盛宴。