- Hancock(Will Smith饰),是刀枪不入的全民超人,犯罪分子对他闻风丧胆。然而这位全民超人每次与犯罪分子对峙都闹得惊天动地,造成严重的破坏,对市民的生命和公共财产都是巨大的威胁。这也就是虽然他有着独一无二的能力却仍然得不到大众认同的原因。他暴躁易怒又不辩解的个性更是激化了矛盾。这天公关经理Ray Embrey(Jason Bateman饰)十分倒霉,不仅他的全球爱心理念推销不出去,更在回家的途中被塞车堵在了火车轨道上,险些就被火车一碾而过。Hancock及时出现救了他一命,不可阻挡地破坏了火车和现场的交通,惹起众怒。Ray却灵光一闪,决定包装Hancock,把他塑造成为一位全民爱戴的英雄。没想到,最大的反对竟然来自他的妻子Mary(Charlize Theron饰),她坚持要Hancock离开她的家庭。事情发展下去,牵扯出令人惊讶的缠绵前缘。
- Twin babies are separated at birth. The girl grows up in a middle class environment, her brother in a street gang. Twelve years later, their paths cross again and they discover their common destiny, imposed upon them by the adults. It is the beginning of an exciting journey to the discovery of their roots and their independence, but neither of them is able to escape the past...