- Bergman's first mature film is a poetic evocation of memory and loss. A young ballerina falls in love and they spend an idyllic summer together on an island. Their affair comes to a sudden and tragic end but its legacy remains in Marie's life. Maj-Britt Nilsson as the ballerina is utterly beguiling, her eyes alive with the freshness of young love.
- 在南美某个安静祥和的小镇,少年阿玛迪奥(Rupert Grint 配音)痴迷于酒吧里的桌面足球,他出色的技巧赢得了女孩劳拉(Eve Ponsonby 配音)的放心,也击败了高傲自大的少年格罗索(Diego Ramos 配音)。此去经年,孩子们都已长大,阿玛迪奥依然不改对桌面足球的喜爱,即使劳拉即将去外地念书他也找不到合适的言辞应对。这一天,早已成为国际球星的格罗索突然高调返回,他买下小镇,并准备在此修建奢华的宇宙星河球场。格罗索不顾相亲的反对,率先推翻曾让他蒙受耻辱的酒吧,更带走了劳拉。阿玛迪奥痛哭流涕,谁知木头做的桌面足球队长突然活了过来。面对这群肩作战多年的老战友,阿玛迪奥似乎鼓起拯救劳拉和小镇的决心…… 本片根据Roberto Fontanarrosa的短篇故事《一位右前锋的回忆录》改编。