搜索 V

  • 本片是一部公路电影。讲述了一个家族长途旅行的困苦故事。
  • Katelyn 'Kate' Weston, a country girl who became a lawyer and joined an L.A. law firm years ago, specializes in defending minors having committed violent crimes who nobody else takes on. She gradually got estranged from her family, but then her older brother Ryan asks her to return to the farm he runs with their dad Thane who has become impossibly absentminded. By the time he is formally diagnosed with serious Alzheimer, she realizes how badly she really knew her family, having ran from her past after the trauma of witnessing her mother's suicide at age seven, and tries to talk it trough with Ryan and dad while he still has lucid moments.
  • 一名科学家指责一家大型公司的负责人该为发生在南美的生态灾难负责。但是当一座火山显现出喷发的迹象时,他们必须联合起来阻止灾难的发生。
  • 马戏团的大象在一次表演中无法站立,因此马戏团决定放弃这头大象而继续前往巴黎表演。在马戏团工作的女孩也被团长遗下,和运送大象去安乐死的货车司机,一路前行。 一路上大象带给途人无数欢乐,而只有女孩和司机知道它的命运……
  • 在远离大都会的偏远所在,坐落着一个名为霍普(Hope)的小镇,但是这里确实让人倍感绝望的炼狱。德瑞克(丹尼·特乔 Danny Trejo 饰)率领的暴走族“报应党(The Circle)”杀死国会议员,称霸小镇,贩毒、强暴、杀人、放火,如此等等,无恶不作。地方警官有心无力,只得与报应党沆瀣一气,成为他们挟持的同党。 知道某一天,一切发生改变。孔武有力的光头男子瑞恩·维瑞特(史蒂夫·奥斯汀 Steve Austin 饰)来到霍普镇。他没有做过多盘桓,直接向德瑞克一众发起挑战,德瑞克的弟弟葬身大火,运送毒品的卡车也被炸到天上。背负着仇恨的瑞恩以毫不妥协的方式向恶贯满盈的报应党展开复仇……