- In the distant future, a large portion of humanity lives on Mars, in cities that resemble those once found on Earth. The cities are protected from the inhospitable Martian atmosphere by dome-like force-fields. When a massive sandstorm breaks through the dome and destroys Mars New York, those in Mars Los Angeles must figure out how to stop the storm before it wipes them out next.
- 网路作家蓝婷(林志玲 饰)写的小说人气很旺,她还遇到过一个自称排骨(曾志伟 饰)的粉丝索要签名。不过,蓝婷跟其父的关系很僵,所以后者派乔飞(周杰伦 饰)邀她共进晚餐。乔飞是打击盗墓走私的青年侠客,但是他与蓝婷之间也有误会。当晚,蓝婷突然遭遇车祸,被劫持。醒后,她发现劫匪竟是排骨一伙,为首的是深藏不露的华爷(陈道明 饰)。他们以蓝婷为人质,逼其父交出大漠的藏宝地图。没想到,前来谈判的竟是乔飞,他拿来了地图,同时也带来了蓝婷父亲意外丧命的消息。正在此时,突现的蒙面人将地图劫走。另有沙漠军团来袭,乔飞保护着蓝婷,两人互生情愫。众人先后来到浪人部落,乔飞意外发现劫走地图人的真面目,同时他们也渐渐揭开了失落古城的秘密……
- Katelyn 'Kate' Weston, a country girl who became a lawyer and joined an L.A. law firm years ago, specializes in defending minors having committed violent crimes who nobody else takes on. She gradually got estranged from her family, but then her older brother Ryan asks her to return to the farm he runs with their dad Thane who has become impossibly absentminded. By the time he is formally diagnosed with serious Alzheimer, she realizes how badly she really knew her family, having ran from her past after the trauma of witnessing her mother's suicide at age seven, and tries to talk it trough with Ryan and dad while he still has lucid moments.