- 《3D冰封侠》由中盟世纪传媒携手西部电影集团、北京盛视华锐电影有限公司联手打造,其投资规模达到了空前的2亿,是史上规模最大的3D动作巨制。影片的精彩看点数不胜数,甄子丹王宝强精彩刺激的功夫对决,任达华的老谋神算、甄子丹与黄圣依的千古绝恋,足够满足观众不同的观影需求。 《3D冰封侠》全程采用好莱坞最高规格的3D实拍技术,是真正的3D电影。为了保证影片的高质量,片方不惜重金请来了《超凡蜘蛛侠》拍摄团队加盟影片,影片效果足以媲美甚至超越以3D特效征服观众的《少年派》。《3D冰封侠》是一部非凡的电影,它会将中国动作电影提升到前所未有的新高度。 《3D冰封侠》的故事开始于明朝嘉靖末年,锦衣卫高手贺英(甄子丹饰演)奉皇帝之命前往天竺国押运相传可以预知未来的国宝“时空金球”。归来途中,
- In order to enjoy his retirement, a father takes drastic measures to get his twentysomething, slacker sons to move out and fend for themselves. After 25 years with the fire department, Tom Cathcart (Danny DeVito) is determined to enjoy his retirement with his wife (Katey Segal) and will resort to anything - even kidnapping her - to get his slobbish twenty-something, stay at home sons to move out of the house. An uproarious comedy!