- In order to enjoy his retirement, a father takes drastic measures to get his twentysomething, slacker sons to move out and fend for themselves. After 25 years with the fire department, Tom Cathcart (Danny DeVito) is determined to enjoy his retirement with his wife (Katey Segal) and will resort to anything - even kidnapping her - to get his slobbish twenty-something, stay at home sons to move out of the house. An uproarious comedy!
- 1945年,第二次世界大战接近尾声,作为邪恶轴心重要成员的日本,其嚣张态势已成强弩之末。是年,决定战局走向的冲绳岛战役拉开序幕,成千上万斗志昂扬的美国大兵被派往冲绳,等待他们的则是敌军重兵防守、凶险异常的钢锯岭。在这群人中间,却有一个不愿拿起武器的军医。他名叫戴斯蒙德·道斯(安德鲁·加菲尔德 Andrew Garfield 饰),来自美国的弗吉尼亚。太平洋爆发之际,瘦弱的戴斯蒙德志愿成为救死扶伤的军医而应征入伍。可因童年和家庭的原因,他始终不愿拿起枪支操练,为此宁愿背上拒服兵役的罪名被送上军事法庭。几经周折,戴斯蒙德最终和战友来到了钢锯岭。枪林弹雨,转瞬之间无数人应声倒地。在信仰和信念的支持下,戴斯蒙德仅凭一己之力拯救了数十条濒死的生命…… 本片根据真人真事改编。