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  • WHERE DO YOU HIDE FOR THE END OF THE WORLD? As a rogue planet roars through our solar system, it acts as an intergalactic magnet that pulls Earth in its wake. Meteors destroy major cities. Fire and ice storms engulf the land. Casualties are in the millions. And as the situation grows even worse, Steve Lannon (Joe Lando of 'Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman') is determined to reunite with his wife (Michelle Stafford of 'The Young and the Restless' and 'General Hospital') and teenage daughter (Denyse Tontz of "All My Children"). But when they stumble into a secret government installation, they'll uncover a nuclear mission that will either blast our planet back into orbit or guarantee front row seats to the end of the world.
  • 十八世纪初,制图家格林在从欧洲向东方的科考旅途上。在翻越喀尔巴阡山脉的过程中,他迷失在森林深处一座被遗弃的村庄——只有偶然的意志和浓雾能将他带到这个被诅咒的地方。在这里生活的人不像任何他在旅途上曾经见过的人。这些通过深深的沟渠将自己与世界隔绝的人们,天真地相信这样便能摆脱不纯净,却不明白腐朽早已深入他们的灵魂,只是在等待时机爆发。这位唯物主义的科学家在梦里也不会预料到,在这里迎接他的是魔鬼的忠实仆人。
  • 《我们曾深爱过的男人》:影片根据70年代一则引起轰动的新闻事件改编。故事讲述在1976年的法国尼斯,地中海宫殿酒店所有者家的千金艾格尼丝(阿黛尔·哈内尔 饰演)爱上了比她大十岁的成功律师莫里斯(吉约姆·卡内 饰演)。莫里斯有着很多段风流韵事,但是艾格尼丝对他死心塌地。莫里斯因为赌博惹上了麻烦,他让艾格尼丝去接近弗拉托尼,后者是一个危险的男人,并且是艾格尼丝母亲(凯瑟琳·德纳芙 饰演)事业上的对手。弗拉托尼愿意出300万法郎来换取对赌场的控制权。艾格尼丝同意了,但之后因为自己的背叛感到异常痛苦。莫里斯渐渐地疏远了艾格尼丝。艾格尼丝尝试过自杀,后来她失踪了。
  • Nicholas Gray a young, driven executive has a secret not even he knows about. As battles with a business rival threaten to crumble Nicholas' carefully planned world, Nicholas meets a charismatic drifter who challenges his life philosophy. Nicholas changes his outlook, loses everything... then decides to get it back..
  • 葛洛丽亚,一个生活在智利首都圣地亚哥的58岁女人,她身上拥有几乎所有外界对这个年龄段的女性所附加上的标签。中年离异,身材走样的她热衷于通过参加单身聚会来寻找短暂的满足感,哪怕屡次的尝试带来的都只是无尽的失望和无助的空虚。这一次她遇到了退役海军军官鲁道夫,久违的兴奋感与激情让她开始憧憬一段长久的关系。