搜索 T

  • JULIA是女商业特务精于高科技偷窃盗物,却没想到却偷到了一个深爱自己的男人.
  • 香港回归前,英国政府决定由英籍华人议员任剑辉(罗家英 饰)出任最后一任港督。历代都受到英国政府迫害的黄老板决定雇请春、夏、秋、冬四大杀手刺杀英政府最后一名港督,以出一口怨气。在剑辉的就职大典上,春、夏、秋、冬混入了人群中,关键时刻,督务署长的私生子陆葛(葛民辉 饰)误打误撞,救下了剑辉,并将杀手秋杀死了。高层对此十分重视,于是委派陆葛和港督保安队长大件(周文健 饰)重新受训后正式成为最后一位港督的保镖。陆葛作为最后一名港督的保镖生涯开始了。
  • 无敌(陈小春 饰)和丧B(李灿森 饰)是两个无所事事的小混混,他俩平常在商场的VCD专柜打工,插科打诨,悠哉度日。某天两人奉老板之命外出取车,回来的路上撞到一个西装革履的黑帮分子。该男子身上藏有一种最新的生化武器,可以将人类变为强大无比的丧尸。两人阴差阳错将药水灌进男子的嘴里,又载着男子带回了商场。 入夜,商场内鸦雀无声。喝下药水的黑帮分子终于变成了丧尸,四处残害无辜之人,而被他咬过的人也一一变成丧尸的同类。无敌和丧B怎样才能逃脱这些恶魔的追逐呢?
  • Michael Farr (Ciarán Hinds) is a teacher raising his two children following the death of his wife two years earlier. Experiencing strange phenomena late at night around his family home, Michael isn't sure if he is dreaming or if something more sinister is at play. A distraction lies in an international literary festival that his town plays host to which attracts authors from all over the world. Working as a volunteer for the festival, Michael is assigned to look after Lena Morelle (Iben Hjejle), an attractive writer of ghost stories and tales of the supernatural. Becoming attracted to Lena, Michael tells her of his experiences. However, Lena's attention is drawn away by Nicholas Holden (Aidan Quinn), a bestselling novelist who harbours his own issues with letting go of the past.
  • 祺飞到东京看望在日本留学的女友JUNE,竟发现她与自己的老朋友SAM相恋了.