- Wang Fan, who masters the original technique of martial arts, Empyrean Xuan Knack, used to be just a common student in the Golden Academy. However, to revenge for his senior, he put on the Silver Tiger King Mask, and since then, the name of Silver Tiger King has been dominating the world. I’m Wang Fan. Wang stands for the king and Fan means being common. With the mask, I’m Silver Tiger King, but without it, I am but a common man.
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- 动动灵巧的小手,一起来手工制作粘土吧!一起手工制作可爱的丛林动物朋友们,一起开心地玩耍吧!哇!长鼻子的大象、长脖子的长颈鹿、凶猛的狮子和调皮的猴子齐聚一堂。《碰碰狐儿歌之彩泥制作系列2 英文版》这里,可爱的彩泥和最热门的动物儿歌完美结合。小朋友们既能跟着视频学习彩泥制作,又能听欢乐的动物儿歌哦!