搜索 C

  • As at last a team of female dancers will be formed, dancers from all walks of life are brought together: they may be professional dancers in China, dance enthusiasts hailing from different professions, or young female dancers who are still in school. Over several rounds of competition, the program aims to put together the strongest crew ever and send them to a world-level crew dance championship. The goal is to produce excellent crew dance pieces that are both professional and entertaining and to highlight the positive impact dance has on young people.
  • 酷舞先锋CCTV街舞争霸赛于6月8日19:30正式登陆央视体育频道,此次活动于2013年3月启动,历时3个月海选,遍及全国5大赛区,精挑细选出5支队伍加上一支海外团队进入到淘汰赛中。最终入围争霸赛决赛阶段的队伍,将作为哈尔滨啤酒酷舞先锋队前往街舞发源地美国,接受蕾哈娜舞蹈教练的专业培训,最终的的冠军队伍将作为2013年潘玮柏演唱会的助演嘉宾。
  • 《明日之子》第二季致力于发掘不为人知的音乐天才,选手通过盛世美颜、盛世独秀、盛世魔音三大赛道进入比拼,展现不同音乐才华和价值观的积极碰撞,最终选出能够带领正流行的“最强厂牌”,腾讯视频全网独播。
  • 《说唱少年加载中》通过对选手比赛之外真实状态的记录,展示选手立体饱满的个人性格色彩和迥然不同的人生轨迹。旨在多纬度地展现说唱新人的方方面面,结合纪实和真人秀的拍摄手法,让节目内容轻松有趣又具有一定的思考意义。节目将用更新颖的主题、更贴近的拍摄距离、更热门的游戏形式来吸引年轻的观众们,平衡节目的真实性和娱乐性。
  • 国内首档以杠精思维抨击社会虚假营销的真人秀。