- 杰克杜兰是性格火爆但受人敬重的餐厅老板,他经营的餐馆全年无休,是深受各界名人政客以及黑手党们喜爱的聚会场所,因为店内不但提供一流美食,更为客人守住所有饭桌上的秘密。小小的餐馆看尽了来来去去的繁华人生,就如同杰克与他的餐饮事业一样,注定成为神秘的传奇故事。
- Nicholas Gray a young, driven executive has a secret not even he knows about. As battles with a business rival threaten to crumble Nicholas' carefully planned world, Nicholas meets a charismatic drifter who challenges his life philosophy. Nicholas changes his outlook, loses everything... then decides to get it back..