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  • Unturned是一个以丧尸导致的末日危机为题材的沙盘游戏
  • 《明日之子悠享版》是音乐选秀类节目《明日之子》第2季衍生节目。主要内容为《明日之子》第2季正片的加长版,展现由李宇春、吴青峰、华晨宇主理的盛世美颜、盛世独秀、盛世魔音三大赛道选手们为了争夺“九大厂牌”进行的激烈比拼,展现不同音乐才华和价值观的积极碰撞。
  • 全球首个偶像竞技天团“舰娘style”六位美女偶像全员入驻“舰娘”战备特训集中营,开始为期两天一夜的残酷集训之旅,她们将经受难以想象的艰难考验,在高空、障碍、水下的全方位训练中不断挑战自己的极限,克服缺少食物和住处的艰苦环境,体会团队合作的重要意义,最终完成华丽转身,成为合格的“舰娘”。节目从入营、课训、日常生活、深夜探班宿舍等多方位角度全面跟踪拍摄六位超人气女神的表现,深度挖掘每个人的性格,打造一场最真实、震撼的美女偶像真人秀。
  • As at last a team of female dancers will be formed, dancers from all walks of life are brought together: they may be professional dancers in China, dance enthusiasts hailing from different professions, or young female dancers who are still in school. Over several rounds of competition, the program aims to put together the strongest crew ever and send them to a world-level crew dance championship. The goal is to produce excellent crew dance pieces that are both professional and entertaining and to highlight the positive impact dance has on young people.