- The strange little guy in the blue hood is well known to Krosmoz. His name is Joris and he's proposing to take you on a fantastic adventure. Our hero is leading a happy life in his magic shop in the city of Bonta. But one day, when he seeks out his idol, a Gobbowl superstar, everything changes for the worst as Julith, the vengeful witch, is back in town!
- A Birmingham-based band are ordered by their unhappy record company to an old warehouse; the goal being to re-start their ailing careers with a kick-ass new promo video. Unfortunately the band and their entourage find themselves targets of a mysterious knife-wielding maniac, haunted by the voice of Satan, and out for revenge.
- 本片包含了5个发生在出租车的狭小空间里的故事;一个黑夜,在世界五个不同城市里,发生了五次短暂的遭遇。 一,洛杉矶。晚七时零七分。出租汽车女司机科基搭载了选角代理人维莉娅,维多莉娅看中科基,建议科基参加试演,但被一心要当司机的科基婉言谢绝了。 二,纽约。晚十时零七分。黑人青年尤尤搭上一名不称职的中年司机赫尔穆特的出租汽车回家,尤尤主动提出由他来开到家之后,尤尤担心赫尔穆特找不着回去的路。 三,巴黎。凌晨四时零七分。一个出租汽车司机把两名令人烦恼的非洲乘客撵出他的汽车,又搭了一个年轻的盲人,他惊奇地发现,她更能为自己在这个世界上辨明方向。 四,罗马。凌晨四时零七分。一个叫吉诺的出租车司机搭了一个牧师。司机向他作忏悔,大谈他的性经历,牧师听了心脏病突发而死。 五,赫尔辛基。凌晨五时零七分。出租汽车司机搭载了三个喝得大醉的男人,其中一个叫阿基的刚刚失去工作,他的新车撞坏了,他的女儿怀了孕,他被妻子赶出了家门。