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  • 海莉·尤德尔一方面还要一直给自己的前夫提供赡养费,另外一方面还要给自己和14岁的女儿赚取生活费。她的生活因为前夫搞得一团糟,她真的都想不出更好的办法来摆脱这一切。一天和两个朋友晚上聚在一起倾诉着她的烦恼,没有想到自己被卷入了一场阴谋中。他们三个人联合一起都要清除掉互相的敌人。当阴谋中涉及到的人都相继被杀之后, 警察在调查案件的时候,一直把目光聚焦在她和另外两个人中。其中一个人梅拉尼为了自己的目的威胁海莉·尤德尔不让她告诉警察真实的情况。她绑架了海莉的女儿,警察也根据各种的线索找到了事件的真相,正好在梅拉尼实施绑架的现场解救了海莉的女儿,梅拉尼依然不放弃,试图杀掉其中一个人,警察采取了行动,制止了这一切。海莉的女儿得救了,也因此摆脱了谋杀的嫌疑。
  • 中国姑娘在美国收到迫害被一名美国司机所救下,两人在相处中渐生好感。但随着互相的了解,美国司机逐渐打开了这个中国姑娘背后的秘密。为了能够让这个中国姑娘重获自由,他不得不做出一系列的选择与决定...
  • 新版《木乃伊》讲述了一个全新故事,木乃伊公主阿玛内特穿梭到现代伦敦,企图寻回她曾被夺去的一切。 本片由动作巨星汤姆·克鲁斯主演。凭借《王牌特工》中的 “刀锋女”一角大热的新锐女星索菲亚·宝特拉饰演有巨大毁灭力量的木乃伊公主阿玛内特,而好莱坞著名硬汉男星罗素·克劳 也有精彩表现。 导演艾里克斯·库兹曼为好莱坞资深制片人,作品包括《惊天魔盗团》、 《星际迷航:暗黑无界》、《碟中谍3》等。 据悉,影片将于近日发布全球首支官方预告片,届时将有更多精彩场景呈献,并将揭晓更多神秘剧情。该片北美预计2017年6月9 日上映。
  • Diz (Joel Courtney) is a reckless teenage drifter living life on the run. Abandoned by his parents as a child, he looks out for himself and doesn't accept handouts. He takes whatever he wants and runs. Jaded and determined to answer to no one, Diz lives a life marked by thievery and abandonment. Things change for Diz when he floats into a small town on the Snake River. There he is confronted by an unflappable old man named Marty and falls for Marty's guarded granddaughter, Selah. When Diz robs a local drug-dealing crazy, he becomes the owner of a giant pile of cash and the target of two vicious killers. With more money than he knows what to do with, and criminals at his heels, Diz puts the people he's learned to care about in danger, still trying to win Selah. But some things can't be stolen or bought. The River Thief is a film about guilt, self-sacrifice, and accepting life as a gift.