- Twin babies are separated at birth. The girl grows up in a middle class environment, her brother in a street gang. Twelve years later, their paths cross again and they discover their common destiny, imposed upon them by the adults. It is the beginning of an exciting journey to the discovery of their roots and their independence, but neither of them is able to escape the past...
- 11位怀揣不同目的,来自不同行业,不同身份的人参加一档名为“MAFIA”的现场直播电视真人秀节目, 这档备受全球瞩目的电视节目将这11个人设定成为9位平民和2位杀手,要求9位平民在规定时间内找出隐 藏在他们中间的两位杀手。节目规定所有参赛者每轮可以怀疑并指认一名杀手,被指认的人不管是不是杀手,都将被强制带入自己的梦境,在梦中被自己最害怕的东西杀死,死亡过程也会在全世界直播。而杀手也可以在每轮结尾强制杀掉一位平民,如果两名杀手被顺利指出,幸存的获胜者将得到巨额奖金,足以一 生享用不尽。为了财富,参赛者们相互怀疑,勾心斗角,意图用尽一切手段将其他对手置于死地,一场杀戮大赛悄然上演……