搜索 埃

  • he wealthiest man in the world, John P. Merrick, is a private person who likes to stay anonymous. One of his many assets, and a minor one at that, is Neeley's Department Store. There is labor unrest at the store, most of the employees' anger directed at Merrick, who they hang in effigy outside the store despite not knowing what he looks like. Merrick, not happy at what he sees going on, decides to go undercover working at the store to mete out the rabble-rousers. Undercover as Thomas Higgins, Merrick gets assigned as a sales clerk in the shoe department, where he is taken under the caring wing of his colleague Mary Jones, who sees in Higgins a poor man needing the guidance of friends. One of those other friends is Elizabeth Ellis, who Mary sees as a possible "Mrs. Higgins". Mary's boyfriend is Joe O'Brien, the chief organizer of the employees, four hundred of whom are following Joe in the charge against the store and Merrick. At the store, Merrick not only wants the list of the four hundred, but also wants to change those things he doesn't like at the store, chief amongst those being his shoe department section manager, Mr. Hooper. But as Higgins, Merrick also begins to see things a little differently, specifically from an employee's point of view.
  • « 美错 » (Biutiful)讲述了Uxbal的故事。 他是一位慈祥的父亲,充满激情的恋人,不知所措的儿子。 具有通灵能力的他接近死者,被鬼魂所召唤,能感受到精灵。 从看不见的巴塞罗那城中幸运生存下来,感受到死神徘徊的他试图找回宁静的生活,保护自己的孩子,并拯救自我。 Uxbal的故事既简单又复杂,反映了人们当下的生活。 « Biutiful » is the story of Uxbal. Devoted father. Tormented lover. Mystified son. Underground businessman. Friend of the disposed. Ghost seeker. Spiritual sensitive. A survivor at the invisible margins in today’s Barcelona. Uxbal, sensing the danger of death, tries to reconcile with love and save his children, as he tries to save himself. Uxbal’s story is simple: just one of the complex realities that we all live in today.
  • 过气演员诺玛(葛洛丽亚·斯旺森 Gloria Swanson 饰)已经将近50岁,曾经的风华绝代正在她居住的荒废豪宅里慢慢凋谢,身边只有好友马克思(埃里克·施特罗海姆Erich von Stroheim)伺奉。她没放弃重燃光辉的梦想,《莎乐美》的剧本正待编写,而逃避债务逃至此地的没落编剧乔(威廉·霍尔登 William Holden饰),正是这项事业的最佳候选。诺玛收留他住下,给他提供舒适的环境写作,并慢慢的倾心于他。但是,乔并不能接受这个青春已逝的妇人。他拒绝了她,并转过身和另一个美丽的女子谋划新的剧本,他们相爱,打得火热。 诺玛得知了乔的“背叛”,她卑微地哀求他,却动摇不了他渐行渐远的心,诺玛终于举起枪对准正要离开的乔。
  • 吉姆(柯克·道格拉斯 饰)是一位刑警,他嫉恶如仇,以铲除罪恶为己任。某日,在审讯名为西乃达的嫌疑犯时,吉姆没有忍住怒火动了粗,他因为此行为得到了西乃达律师的警告,却也得知了一个充满了犯罪气息的名字——汤姆(杰拉德·摩尔 饰)。   循着西乃达的律师的指点,吉姆找到了自己的妻子玛丽(埃琳诺·帕克 饰),向她询问汤姆的踪迹。让吉姆感到震惊的是,玛丽不仅曾经和汤姆有过一段恋情,甚至还怀过汤姆的孩子。这件事情让吉姆陷入了苦恼和困惑之中,妻子隐秘的情史令他不知道该不该继续追查下去。
  • 《闪电侠》精彩看点:二次元超级英雄再登电视荧屏,《闪电侠》无缝对接《绿箭侠》闪耀登场。《闪电侠》剧情梗概:《闪电侠》的漫画连载开始于1940年,讲述了一名拥有超级速度的学生的故事。50年代起,这个角色则被重新诠释,成为了巴里·艾伦,一名为警署工作的科学家,使用他的超级速度来对抗超级反派们。