搜索 Pe

  • 由五位可爱又时尚的女孩:小吉、爱子、音乐、天使和宝贝组成了女子偶像团体——酷酷少女团正式出道。在原宿这个充满梦想与机遇的地方,在不是那么靠谱的经纪人的带领下,她们的音乐之旅该如何前进呢?
  • 为了拯救危在旦夕的科隆市大教堂,一位建筑师被付以重任。他必须在最短的时间内从非洲找回那颗世界上最大的钻石。这颗钻石原来是作为教堂的镇堂之宝,百年前被盗后运到非洲某地。于是各路人马纷纷出动,目标只有一个,就是那颗钻石。
  • 影片是根据美国年仅五岁的男童迈尔斯·斯科特的真实故事改编。以纪录片的形式为观众带来了一个不一样的真实故事,迈尔斯在一岁半时被诊断出患上白血病。这个聪明乐观的孩子希望能从超级英雄身上汲取力量,战胜病魔。当人们询问他有什么愿望时,小迈尔斯回答说想亲自扮演一回蝙蝠侠。公益组织Make A Wish帮助迈尔斯达成心愿。2013年11月5日,旧金山全城变成了蝙蝠侠的大本营哥谭市。迈尔斯在另一位“蝙蝠侠”陪同下开着蝙蝠车,在数千名举着标语支持“Batkid”的路人的欢呼声中,先拯救一名被绑在缆车轨道上的女子,又化解银行抢案,逮捕了恶棍“谜语人”,并让被企鹅人绑架的旧金山巨人吉祥物重获自由,过程十分温馨、动人。
  • 讲述的是国际象棋冠军保罗在新奥尔良内战中离奇死亡后的那个晚上,他下棋的天赋异禀和饱受折磨的人生被人们重新审视。摩菲是现代最伟大的国际象棋选手,也是一个多面的天才神童。
  • California, Mojave Desert, 1998. A strange glow appears in the sky. Sam, a forty-something door-to-door salesman, travels through the few inhabited zones of the Californian desert in search of clients, yet everything seems deserted. What's more, his wife won't answer his calls. It's as if everyone were avoiding him. When his car breaks down, Sam becomes a prisoner of the empty, hostile environment. Alone and without human contact for days on end, he listens continuously to a talk-show on the only local radio station. The host, a man named Eddy, takes calls from listeners who share their thoughts on a child killer at large in the area. At the same time, Sam starts getting psychologically harassed by strange threats he receives on his pager. Gradually, people begin to reappear and attempt to kill him. Sam has become a target and he must now defend himself. Little by little he loses it, caught up in a paranoid identity crisis. Is he truly the killer they're after, or is he being driven ...